Lost on Me (a poem)

Blink cursor—
curse God and die.
That bride, the worst advice.
A devil’s advocate, for real.

Click, lumen keys,
what’s this work—
In the dim light
of my outie’s world.

Broken glass,
like cats in a bag.

Wild revelry, rebel scum,
celebrating civil rights
and legislated liberties,
stripped down—
a plane at takeoff,
upside down,
the gimbals collapse.

Spiral down,
the room spinning,
walls folding in.
We’re all working with junk
and praying to 3PO.

He thought he was too late.
God bless the bots,
angels sent to guide us.

and what was that thing
in the dark water?
A message in a bottle,
blacked out—
and it was lost on me.