Transcend the Noise (a poem)

Take the Big Lifts

Some things arrive in pieces, scattered fragments that demand assembly. This poem started that way—lines pecked out fast, thoughts moving before form. But clarity comes in motion.

This is about resilience, about transformation. About rising even when struck down, about refusing to stay in the expected shape. It’s about the weight of names called, the urgency of stepping forward, and the radical nature of love that moves beyond survival into purpose.

A call to shift. A call to transcend. A call to become.

Read it, sit with it, and when you’re ready—move.

Speaking in the Spirit

Speaking in the spirit,
you don’t understand—
neither do I.

All I know is I keep lifting off the ground
when executed.
So go ahead, hit me,
and watch obstacles multiply.

I’d love to be a blessing,
but you keep trying to kill me.

Though He slay, I’ll get back up,
seven times—
advanced resilience.

How is it possible,
walking on that water,
while we’re all drowning?
Let’s share that place.
Don’t be afraid.

You have an assignment:
transcend the noise,
go for the big lifts,
and leave that little shit
right where it is.

a change of state,
I’m highlighted
for the moment
to be of consequence—
manifest radical love.

Phasing and context shift,
the sum of the parts
in order and peace,
working together
toward the reconciled vision.

They called your name—
can’t believe it,
but get out of your seat,
report quick,
iron ident protocol,
activate the rhino skin,
that hippo’s jaws type power.

Reach for the heavens,
be the next, a shooting star,
cross the sky,
to light up the world
with wishes.

Be the next
shooting star.

A Closing Thought

Some moments aren’t for hesitation. When the name is called, when the shift begins—step forward. Shed what’s small. Activate what’s armored. Move toward what matters.

Radical love. Resilience. Take the big lifts.